19 March 2008

I've been feeling a lot better the last few days, I've woken up with more 'get up and go' which is great, so yesterday I got dressed and my Mum, J and I went to Ikea to pick up some storage stuff for my bedroom - the annoying thing about my room at the moment is that I have so much medical equipment that it takes up so much of my room it's getting on my nerves, I want my room to look like a bedroom again not a hospital room (although my room is pink so that separates it from a hospital room). So J whizzed me around Ikea in my chair with little swerves here and there it was fun, although we kept having to wait for my Mum because she walks a lot slower then J. I brought a huge chest and a new TV table with a shelf for my DVD player, freeview box and Wii, and then another shelf which I will store my DVDs on. My Mum has already set up the storage box and it's filled with medication and were going to do the TV table a little later on.. (I say we, but really my mum will do it and I will point at where things need to go). Later on last night me and J watched some TV and I read his script on a film he's doing at uni that he wrote and will be directing and gave him my opinion on it (it is very good, he is very creative) then we went to sleep, it was lovely him to stay again as it's been a long time, we snuggled and fell asleep together.


Anonymous said...

Testing, Testing 123.... Have I done it????? I think so......... Hi flower!!!!!!!!!!!

Gizela said...

Morning Sam,
there is nothing like a cosy snuggle!
Glad that you had fun in Ikea. We don't have that shop in SA, but I think it is for the best...hehehe...
Hope that you will have a wonderful easter time with you family and friends.
No sunshine from my side today, but some raindrops for good times!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam, hope you feeling great. Sun is shining here in sunny SA today (20 March/friday) and this is to wish you and your family a very good Easter and to keep on smiling - Fairytales and wishes do come true.............